
S-Link Display Interface



    S-Link™ is a CAN-based control system used for communication between Sleipner products installed on a vessel.

    • Compact and waterproof plugs
    • Keyed and color-coded connectors to ensure correct and easy installation
    • Different cable lengths, extenders and T-connectors makes the system scalable and flexible to install
Item code: SDI-1

The S-Link™ Display Interface (SDI-1) activates a Sleipner app on Multi-Functional Displays (MFD). The app enables monitoring and configuration of thruster and stabilizer systems: 

  • Activate stabilizers and adjust gain
  • Monitor thruster operation and status
  • Observe and clear active alarms

Works with compatible MFDs from Raymarine, Garmin, Simrad, B&G, and Lowrance. Please consult MFD manufacturers for information on compatible models before purchase. 

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£1,567.84 (Suggested Retail Price)

SDI-1 connects easily to the S-Link™ bus with an S-Link™ spur cable and has a standard RJ45 Ethernet port for connection to MFDs. Some MFDs require a special Ethernet adapter cable. One SDI-1 can interface with multiple MFDs on the same network.

The supplied power cable must power SDI-1.

At least one Sleipner control panel must be installed to configure thruster and stabilizer systems.

Supplied in the package:

  • 1 x 2-meter power cable
  • 1 x 2-meter ethernet cable
  • Fastenings screws
  • User and installation manual


Stabilizers can be turned on or off on the MFD display
sdi-1-thrusters dashboard dual AC.png
Depending on your thruster configuration, relevant status and alarm information will be shown on the MFD display.





S-Link™ is a CAN-based control system used for communication between Sleipner products installed on a vessel.

  • Compact and waterproof plugs
  • Keyed and color-coded connectors to ensure correct and easy installation
  • Different cable lengths, extenders and T-connectors makes the system scalable and flexible to install